Martha's Vineyard | Nantucket
Brokerage and Delivery
Stephen J. Hart | 508-221-2796

Island Stone Works is a knowledgeable and experienced supplier to the renaissance of artisan stone workers.

Searching out and preserving Historic New England Stone Walls, we carefully dismantle, palletize and deliver provenanced stones, slabs and boulders for reconstruction.

Our careful handling provides the materials to recreate centuries old walls with the original and irreplaceable patina intact. Capstones with delicate lichen, moss, and the "been there forever" look of real weathering.

Our quarry supplied stone is sourced from original revolutionary era quarries, newly revitalized as the renaissance of wall building demands historically accurate materials for period recreations.

Call us today for special quotes. We will work to arrange delivery dates that match your production schedules, and the finest appropriate raw materials to enable you to meet the needs of your most particular customers.